Ban Ki-moon, South Korean politician and diplomat
The esteemed Virtuosi in GMCSF's Choral Society are accomplished professionals, artists, and dedicated philanthropists. Their contributions extend beyond musical performance, reflecting a commitment to the principles of generosity and philanthropy. These Virtuosi embody a unique blend of artistic excellence and social responsibility, enriching the Choral Society's musical endeavors and its broader impact on the community. At the heart of this creative and philanthropic synergy is the Conductor's Circle, a vibrant and passionate community of supporters and donors. Through their generous investments in the season, these patrons play a pivotal role in facilitating society's ability to convey love and inclusion messages through the song's transformative power.
The Choral Society's impact goes beyond financial support; it substantially sustains our organization, allowing it to flourish and evolve. Their charitable contributions are a cornerstone for the GMCSF's continued success, fostering an environment where artistic expression and philanthropy harmoniously coexist.
Total donor support over the past 12 months as of January 31, 2025.
*Denotes active singing member.
Joseph Fletcher* and Kerry Waldee
Dan Chadburn and Tom Nichols
Douglas J. Pew and Donald K. Croxton, LGBT Trust Fund at The Our Fund Foundation
Fred Boykin* & Jack Killen
James Mallon*
Paul Rolli and Bennett Quade
Ronni and Jonathan Arden
Charles Klucka and Daniel Zeugin
George "Dan" Prigmore and Marcia Hayes
Dr. K. David Weidner* and Dr. William E. Gannon, Jr.
Andrew Bendik*
Ian Cohen* and Thomas Lenahan
Philip Cordell
Bert Corona and Rob Russo
Ginny Dixon and Gisella Oliveira
William Elliott and David Bacher
Joseph A. Grano
Michael Grosberg
Mark Kent and Kevin Daft
George Kling (in loving memory)
Harvey Shapiro and Michael Dager, Stronger Together Fund at The Our Fund Foundation
William Spinosa* and Frank Molano
Don Thompson* and Gene Ramey
Peter Zimmer
Rex Beyer* and Nick Meyer
Brock Boyd and Doug Spellberg
Bradley Bush* and Ray Dala
John Chaffin* and Douglas Ferguson*
Craig Dannenbrink* and CJ Jensen
David Fuerst
Fidel Garcia
Cary Giacalone* and Kris Jarmann
Paul Guariglia*
Tyler Healis
Glen Jack
Gerry Kennedy and Paul Smith
Tony Minella*
Joseph Pallant
Judy Paul
Michael Ping* and Brad Winnie
Jonathan Sanz*
Dennis St Jean*
Donald Tomasello* and Robert Pagano
Bruce Anderson*
Steven Beakley
Robert Beaulieu*
Scott Bennett, Scott Bennett Charitable Fund at The Our Fund Foundation
Ray Brush
Antonio Corrente* and Douglas K. Leib
Doug Cureton*
Nick Dryfuse*
David Hohimer
Matthew Kent and Brenda Moons
Dean Lester
Steve Lutz
Ron MacDonald
Ken Manford and Jeffrey Roach
Virginia McCulloh*
Johnnie Mejia
Andrew Riddle
Raymond Rodriguez*
Marcus Saitschenko*
Jason Stefani
Frank Alvarez
William Alverson
Christopher Ambs and Scott Clearwater, Charitable Fund at The Our Fund Foundation
Christian Andaya*
Kenneth J Arruda
David Baier*
Jose Batalla
Steven and Thomas Begert-Clark
Bryon Bowlby and Robert Baldwin
Edward Breeden
Doug Carl and Sumner Riddick
Jerry Chasen
Christopher Chouinard and Harold Rodriguez
Christopher Clark
Dorothy Correnti and Lance Miller
S Michael Ereshena
Jeanine Everett* and Joanna Grandell Everett*
Michael Foley* and Tommy Zhang
Steven Freeman*
Steve Glassman
Marc Grossman
Mark Haggard
Phyllis Hershman
Terry Hirsh*
Gary Hoffman
Jim Houser*
David Jobin and Angel Burgos
John Klomp and Joseph Brannen
Kate Kominars
Gregg Kurek
Jeffrey Lammers and James A. McLaughlin
Robert Lee
John Lewis* and Louis Hemmerich
A. Ray Lockley* and Marty Onieal
Dorothy Lombardi
Jason MacMenamin and Andrew LaVault
Patrick McLendon*
Julio Mendez
Wayne Morris
Mark Nogal
Chris O'Neill
Jorge Ornelas*
Marianne Pink
David Pitre
Dr. Runar Polluson and Robert Pinsky
Justin Robbins*
Elbert Ruff
Jose Santos*
Joel Shapiro
Jeff Sigler*
Damian Siriani and Dave Oeskovic
Larry Small* and David Burba
Stephen Smith
Constance St Jean
Michael Valdez* and Jeffrey Thomas
Richard Vaughan* and Walter Sherman
Randy Villarreal
Jerry Vroegh
Tom Wahl Jr.
The Jane L. Wexton Revocable Trust
Rob Young*
Eric Ziegler* and Ross Kemp
Eric Alayon*
B.J. Albright and Philip Morris (in loving memory)
Frank Anania
Judith Annunziata
Arturo Arambullo
Stephen Barnhart
Mark Barr
Cheryl Barth
Charles Beavin
Thomas Beckwith
Jorge Bernal-Geschier*
Miguel Bernard-Rivera* and Ronald Bernard-Rivera
Von Biggs
Robert Billington
Lorraine Bisco
Mark Blackburn*
Dean Bordelon
John Boscarino
Michael Bracchi and Tommy Walser
Fernando Brierley*
George Burgan
Sean Burke
Tina Caines and Larry Bellezzo
Joseph Cannon
Brice Carnahan
Benjamin Carter
Ray Cazamayou
James Chastanet
Mun Wye Chng
Carolyn Cilla
Alan Cohen
Bert Cohen* and Patrick Quillen
Jimmy Cohen
Lucy Cohen
Robert Collier and Charles R. Hunziker
Christopher Collins
Tracey Cranz
Joseph DeMartino
Vincent DeVirgilio
Denise DiGioia
Harold Dioquino and Marty Childers
Whitney Dutton
Charley Egan
David Engler
Meagan Evans
Stephen Fallon
Mark Ferrante
Stephen Ferrante
Frank Ferri and Tony Carparco
Felix Fidelibus*
John Figueras*
Melody Fiore
Andy Fischman
George Fisher
Kenneth Flick and DC Allen
Peter Flyzik and William Beck
Susan Foley and Albina Preys
Rainey Foster
Zachary Freeman
Richard Fulks* and Chris Wilcox
Gerald Garcia*
Virginia Gascoigne
Doreen Gauthier
Jack Gerard
Kenneth Gragert
Cathleen Graham
Deborah Graham
David Gray*
Steven Haines
Michael Halpner*
Steven Herman
David Hopper*
Charles Horvath
Valerie Jaques
William Jaume
Keith Jennings
Fred Johnson*
Glen Jones
Hillary Josephs
Scott Kallister
Kevin Kane and Keith A. Smith
Herb Knowles*
Stacey Koltonow
Bradley Koogler
Christopher M Kron
Rosie Kurlander
Laura Lanou
Ronnie Larson
Aaron Lauer*
John Lee and Tim Flenner
Robert Lindsay
David R. Littlefield*
Robert Lombardo
Crystal Lopez
Leo Luberecki*
Frank Maguire
Derek Mann
Oscar Marin
Melissa Martin
Samuel Martin* and Philip Haine
Timothy Martin
Irene Martinez
Todd Masnicki and Michael Gutierrez
Erwin Mayer
Philip McChesney
Georgia L. McGill
Bryan McGreal
Patti McLendon
Jim McNab
Richard Melchionno
Michael Mendillo and Michael Albericci
Klein Merriman
Glenn Miller*
Mark Miller
Robert Miller
Terry Moore* and Christopher West
John Moore
Edwin Neimann
Ed Niese*
Adrian Novello*
Francis O'Brien
Michael Oluich
Diane Orr
Gilles Ouellet
Denise Panariello
William Paolini
Clayton Paterson*
John Patrick
Steven Patterson* and Stuart Kisselovich
Michael Pellicone*
Jose Perez
Philip Petri
Gladys Petrone
David Pfeffer
Sarah Phillips
Jason Pitt
Carter Poust*
Harold Prasse
Douglas Prew
Blanca Puerta
Asa Ratliff
Terry Regnier
Willie Rhine
Robyn Riccardo
Bradley Rickel
Mark B. Rinder and Dennis R. Ferioli Family
Joel Risch and Richard Smith
Ivonne Rolon
Aaron Rosenberg
Kenny Russell
Richard Sacher and Stanley Wilson
Gabe Salazar
Edwin Samayoa
Richard Sanders
Thomas Santaniello
Shari Santell
Phil Santomaso
George Sauvigne
Andrew Scott
Russell Skop
Christopher Smith
Henry Smith and
William Sandrik
Kevin Smith*
Rodrigo Soria*
Richard Sorian
Melissa Spear
Jack B. Stein* and Peter Meccariello
Lee Streby
Arthur Strouse
Brian Swallow
Lee Terrell
Andrew Tobin
Fred E. Tokowitz and Gary Hochberg
William Toole
Maria Roman-Torres
Robert Turlington
Joseph Turney
Kely Van Eaton*
Blake Velde
Andrew Vitrone
Jem Walker*
Joseph Watkins
Norma Wells
David Welsh
Sharon and Edwin Wigutoff
Aubrey Williams* and Christopher Michaels
Ray Wolf
David Womack
Howard Yopp
Aimee Zadak
Alexandra Zadak
Edward Otto Zielke
David Zury
We are dedicated to improving the lives of those in our community. Your contribution today helps us make a difference.
Gay Men's Chorus of South Florida
2038 North Dixie Highway, Suite 201, Wilton Manors, Florida, 33305
The Gay Men's Chorus of South Florida, Inc. (FEIN #27-3533074) is a nonprofit 501(c)3 corporation. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the State of Florida Division of Consumer Services by calling toll-free (800-435-7352) within the state. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state. If you would prefer not to receive mail from us, please call (954) 763-2266 or email us at
Copyright © 2010–2025 Gay Men's Chorus of South Florida. All Rights Reserved.